(whelped: March 11, 1991)
(date of death: May 22, 1994)
FAVOURITE TOY | Squeaky Carrot |
FAVOURITE SNACK | Wendy's homemade liver |
FAVOURITE PEOPLE FOOD | McDonald's French Fries & Smarties |
FAVOURITE GAME | "Find It" or tracking |
FAVOURTIE ANIMAL | Mandy, Tito, Barney, Bing, Casey, Creston, Peter & Penny (all Springers) |
TRICKS | "High Five"; dancing; walking on
her hind legs; singing & talking |
DISLIKES | Getting her nails cut |
FAVOURITE PEOPLE | Anyone she met more than once |
OTHER BEHAVIOUR | Made any situation into a game. Life was a game to her. Loved to play dress-up. |
AFRAID OF | mascots |
OWNERS | Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay |
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Copyright ©1997-2009 Lynn, Anne & Barb
Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels
for Wild
Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta.
Last revised: January 03, 2009.